Results for 'Robin Sparks Bond'

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  1.  21
    Dramatic Reckoning of the Numeric Kind: Herodotus’ Extended Calculations.Robin Sparks Bond - 2016 - Classical World: A Quarterly Journal on Antiquity 109 (3):295-319.
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    Homeric Echoes in Rhesus.Robin Sparks Bond - 1996 - American Journal of Philology 117 (2):255-273.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Homeric Echoes in RhesusRobin Sparks BondWhen we think of Rhesus—if we do at all—we think of a play so structurally awkward, so dramatically unsatisfying, so inferior that it could not possibly be from the hand of Euripides.1 Our knowledge of the story's source—a selfcontained Iliadic episode (attractive for dramatic adaptation)—causes us to question the author's reasons for introducing new elements, such as Hector's contentious exchanges with the characters (...)
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    Ethical Issues in Democratizing Digital Phenotypes and Machine Learning in the Next Generation of Digital Health Technologies.Maurice D. Mulvenna, Raymond Bond, Jack Delaney, Fatema Mustansir Dawoodbhoy, Jennifer Boger, Courtney Potts & Robin Turkington - 2021 - Philosophy and Technology 34 (4):1945-1960.
    Digital phenotyping is the term given to the capturing and use of user log data from health and wellbeing technologies used in apps and cloud-based services. This paper explores ethical issues in making use of digital phenotype data in the arena of digital health interventions. Products and services based on digital wellbeing technologies typically include mobile device apps as well as browser-based apps to a lesser extent, and can include telephony-based services, text-based chatbots, and voice-activated chatbots. Many of these digital (...)
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    ESSAYS ON MEDEA. D. Stuttard Looking at Medea. Essays and a Translation of Euripides' Tragedy. Pp. xii + 219, ills. London and New York: Bloomsbury Academic, 2014. Paper, £18.99, US$32.95 . ISBN: 978-1-4725-3051-6. [REVIEW]Robin Bond - 2015 - The Classical Review 65 (2):354-356.
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    Horace’s Audience. [REVIEW]Robin Bond - 2005 - The Classical Review 55 (02):528-.
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    On Translation (A.) Lianeri, (V.) Zajko (edd.) Translation and the Classic. Identity as Change in the History of Culture. Pp. xii + 435. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2008. Cased, £74, US$150. ISBN: 978-0-19-928807-6. [REVIEW]Robin Bond - 2011 - The Classical Review 61 (2):621-623.
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  7. Two conceptions of the chemical bond.Robin Findlay Hendry - 2008 - Philosophy of Science 75 (5):909-920.
    In this article I sketch G. N. Lewis’s views on chemical bonding and Linus Pauling’s attempt to preserve Lewis’s insights within a quantum‐mechanical theory of the bond. I then set out two broad conceptions of the chemical bond, the structural and the energetic views, which differ on the extent in which they preserve anything like the classical chemical bond in the modern quantum‐mechanical understanding of molecular structure. †To contact the author, please write to: Department of Philosophy, Durham (...)
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    Reconceptualizing Individual Differences in Self-Enhancement Bias: An Interpersonal Approach.Virginia S. Y. Kwan, Oliver P. John, David A. Kenny, Michael H. Bond & Richard W. Robins - 2004 - Psychological Review 111 (1):94-110.
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  9. Respect and Care: Toward Moral Integration.Robin S. Dillon - 1992 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 22 (1):105 - 132.
    In her provocative discussion of the challenge posed to the traditional impartialist, justice-focused conception of morality by the new-wave care perspective in ethics, Annette Baier calls for ‘a “marriage” of the old male and newly articulated female... moral wisdom,’ to produce a new ‘cooperative’ moral theory that ‘harmonize[s] justice and care.’ I want in this paper to play matchmaker, proposing one possible conjugal bonding: a union of two apparently dissimilar modes of what Nel Noddings calls ‘meeting the other morally,’ a (...)
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  10. Deacon's Dilemma: The Problem of Pair-bonding in Human Evolution.Robin Dunbar - 2010 - In Robin Dunbar, Clive Gamble & John Gowlett, Social Brain, Distributed Mind. OUP/British Academy. pp. 155.
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  11. The physicists, the chemists, and the pragmatics of explanation.Robin Findlay Hendry - 2004 - Philosophy of Science 71 (5):1048-1059.
    In this paper I investigate two views of theoretical explanation in quantum chemistry, advocated by John Clarke Slater and Charles Coulson. Slater argued for quantum‐mechanical rigor, and the primacy of fundamental principles in models of chemical bonding. Coulson emphasized systematic explanatory power within chemistry, and continuity with existing chemical explanations. I relate these views to the epistemic contexts of their disciplines.
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    Structure as Abstraction.Robin Findlay Hendry - 2016 - Philosophy of Science 83 (5):1070-1081.
    In this article I argue that structure in chemistry is a creature of abstraction: attending selectively to structural similarities, we neglect differences. There are different ways to abstract, so abstraction is interest dependent. So is structure. First, there are two different and mutually irreducible notions of structure in chemistry: bond structure and geometrical structure. Second, structure is relative to scale : the same substance has different structures at different scales, and relationships of structural sameness and difference vary across the (...)
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    Mechanisms in Chemistry.Robin Findlay Hendry - 2023 - In João L. Cordovil, Gil Santos & Davide Vecchi, New Mechanism Explanation, Emergence and Reduction. Springer. pp. 139-160.
    Mechanisms are the how of chemical reactions. Substances are individuated by their structures at the molecular scale, so a chemical reaction is just the transformation of reagent structures into product structures. Explaining a chemical reaction must therefore involve different hypotheses about how this might happen: proposing, investigating and sometimes eliminating different possible pathways from reagents to products. One distinctive aspect of mechanisms in chemistry is that they are broken down into a few basic kinds of step involving the breaking and (...)
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    Of fish, birds, cats, mice, spiders, flies, pigs, and chimpanzees: How chance casts the historic action photograph into doubt.Robin Kelsey - 2009 - History and Theory 48 (4):59-76.
    The role of chance in producing a picture by snapping a shutter release before a complex and quickly changing scene weakens the bond between the historic action photograph and the meanings it is routinely asked to bear. To appreciate this problem and to understand the array of popular notions that have been marshaled to finesse or suppress the role of chance in photographic production, I consider the case of Joe Rosenthal’s 1945 photograph of American servicemen raising a flag on (...)
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    Just‐relations and responsibility for planetary health: The global nurse agenda for climate justice.Robin Evans-Agnew, Jessica LeClair & De-Ann Sheppard - 2024 - Nursing Inquiry 31 (1):e12563.
    There is an urgent call for nurses to address climate change, especially in advocating for those most under threat to the impacts. Social justice is important to nurses in their relations with individuals and populations, including actions to address climate justice. The purpose of this article is to present a Global Nurse Agenda for Climate Justice to spark dialog, provide direction, and to promote nursing action for just‐relations and responsibility for planetary health. Grounding ourselves within the Mi'kmaw concept of Etuaptmumk (...)
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  16. Social Networks and Social Complexity in Female-bonded Primates.Julia Lehmann, Katherine Andrews & Robin Dunbar - 2010 - In Lehmann Julia, Andrews Katherine & Dunbar Robin, Social Brain, Distributed Mind. pp. 57.
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  17. Euphoria versus dysphoria: differential cognitive roles in religion?Yvan I. Russell, Robin I. M. Dunbar & Fernand Gobet - 2011 - In Slim Masmoudi, Abdelmajid Naceur & David Y. Dai, Attention, Representation & Performance. Psychology Press. pp. 147-165.
    The original book chapter does not have an abstract. However, I have written an abstract for this repository: Religious life encompasses a wide diversity of situations for which the emotional tone is on a continuum from extreme euphoria to extreme dysphoria. In this book chapter, we propose the novel hypothesis that euphoria and dysphoria have distinctly separate functional consequences for religious evolution and survivability. This is due to the differential cognitive states that are created in euphoric and dysphoric situations. Based (...)
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  18. Philosophy of chemistry.Michael Weisberg, Paul Needham & Robin Hendry - 2011 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    Chemistry is the study of the structure and transformation of matter. When Aristotle founded the field in the 4th century BCE, his conceptual grasp of the nature of matter was tailored to accommodate a relatively simple range of observable phenomena. In the 21st century, chemistry has become the largest scientific discipline, producing over half a million publications a year ranging from direct empirical investigations to substantial theoretical work. However, the specialized interest in the conceptual issues arising in chemistry, hereafter Philosophy (...)
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  19. A Commentary on Robin Hendry’s Views on Molecular Structure, Emergence and Chemical Bonding.Eric Scerri - 2023 - In João L. Cordovil, Gil Santos & Davide Vecchi, New Mechanism Explanation, Emergence and Reduction. Springer. pp. 161 - 177.
    In this article I examine several related views expressed by Robin Hendry concerning molecular structure, emergence and chemical bonding. There is a long-standing problem in the philosophy of chemistry arising from the fact that molecular structure cannot be strictly derived from quantum mechanics. Two or more compounds which share a molecular formula, but which differ with respect to their structures, have identical Hamiltonian operators within the quantum mechanical formalism. As a consequence, the properties of all such isomers yield precisely (...)
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    A Commentary on Robin Hendry’s Views on Molecular Structure, Emergence and Chemical Bonding.Eric Scerri - 2023 - In João L. Cordovil, Gil Santos & Davide Vecchi, New Mechanism Explanation, Emergence and Reduction. Springer. pp. 161-177.
    In this article I examine several related views expressed by Robin Hendry concerning molecular structure, emergence and chemical bonding. There is a long-standing problem in the philosophy of chemistry arising from the fact that molecular structure cannot be strictly derived from quantum mechanics. Two or more compounds which share a molecular formula, but which differ with respect to their structures, have identical Hamiltonian operators within the quantum mechanical formalism. As a consequence, the properties of all such isomers yield precisely (...)
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    A commentary on Weisberg’s critique of the ‘structural conception’ of chemical bonding.Eric R. Scerri - 2022 - Foundations of Chemistry 25 (2):253-264.
    Robin Hendry has presented an account of two equally valid ways of understanding the nature of chemical bonding, consisting of what the terms the structural and the energetic views respectively. In response, Weisberg has issued a “challenge to the structural view”, thus implying that the energetic view is the more correct of the two conceptions. In doing so Weisberg identifies the delocalization of electrons as the one robust feature that underlies the increasingly accurate quantum mechanical calculations starting with the (...)
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    Extremist language in anti-COVID-19 conspiracy discourse on Facebook.Karoline Marko - 2024 - Critical Discourse Studies 21 (1):92-111.
    The COVID pandemic has sparked fear among many people worldwide and has thus led to the emergence of a variety of conspiracy theories. Individuals believing in these theories come from various social and demographic backgrounds, some of them being mere skeptics, while others are more radical and extreme. The present paper investigates the use of language in a conspiratorial anti-COVID Facebook group with the aim of describing the linguistic features and strategies employed to share and spread conspiracy theories and to (...)
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    The unconscious roots of creativity.Kathryn Madden (ed.) - 2016 - Asheville, North Carolina: Chiron Publications.
    From whence spring the sparks of creativity? It is to this very question that the field of depth psychology--especially that of C.G. Jung and his intellectual descendants--has much to contribute. Just as the Muses were the offspring of Mnemosyne, the goddess of memory, our memories are the ancestors of our creativity that finds its multifaceted expression in the written word, image, theater, dance, and music. The Unconscious Roots of Creativity seeks to push the investigation into that domain of memory (...)
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    Re-enchanting Conservation Work: Reflections on the Australian Experience.Martin Mulligan - 2001 - Environmental Values 10 (1):19-33.
    The Australian nature conservation movement is effectively entering its second century of existence and this transition has prompted a degree of reflection about the strategies used hitherto. After going through boom years – as part of a broader environmental movement – from the 1970s until the early 1990s, a more difficult political environment in the second half of the 1990s has sparked a semi-public discussion about priorities and future strategies. This article argues that the debate about future conservation strategies needs (...)
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    Pyrrhonian Buddhism: A Philosophical Reconstruction.Adrian Kuzminski - 2021 - Oxford: Routledge.
    PYRRHONIAN BUDDHISM: AN IMAGINATIVE RECONSTRUCTION -/- Author: -/- Adrian Kuzminski 279 Donlon Road Fly Creek, NY 13337 USA -/- Description of Pyrrhonian Buddhism: -/- The ancient Greek sceptic philosopher, Pyrrho of Elis, accompanied Alexander the Great to India, where he had contacts with Indian sages, so-called naked philosophers (gymnosophists), among whom were very probably Buddhist mendicants, or sramanas. My work, entitled Pyrrhonian Buddhism, takes seriously the hypothesis that Pyrrho’s contact with early Buddhists was the occasion of his rethinking, in a (...)
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    Is human conversation more efficient than chimpanzee grooming?Michio Nakamura - 2000 - Human Nature 11 (3):281-297.
    Clique sizes for chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes) grooming and for human conversation are compared in order to test Robin Dunbar’s hypothesis that human language is almost three times as efficient a bonding mechanism as primate grooming. Recalculation of the data provided by Dunbar et al. (1995) reveals that the average clique size for human conversation is 2.72 whereas that of chimpanzee grooming is shown to be 2.18. The efficiency of human conversation and actual chimpanzee grooming over Dunbar’s primate grooming model (...)
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    Faith in law?Ayelet Shachar - 2010 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 36 (3-4):395-411.
    This article evaluates demands for privatized diversity that destabilize traditional notions of separation of state and religion, by asking secular authorities to adopt a hands-off, non-interventionist approach, placing civil and family disputes with a religious or cultural aspect beyond the official realm of equal citizenship. This potential storm to come must be addressed head on because it mixes three inflammatory components in today’s political environment: religion; gender; and the rise of a neo-liberal state. The volatility of these issues is undisputed; (...)
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  28. Burqas in Back Alleys: Street Art, hijab, and the Reterritorialization of Public Space.John A. Sweeney - 2011 - Continent 1 (4):253-278.
    continent. 1.4 (2011): 253—278. A Sense of French Politics Politics itself is not the exercise of power or struggle for power. Politics is first of all the configuration of a space as political, the framing of a specific sphere of experience, the setting of objects posed as "common" and of subjects to whom the capacity is recognized to designate these objects and discuss about them.(1) On April 14, 2011, France implemented its controversial ban of the niqab and burqa , commonly (...)
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    God in History: Shapes of Freedom by Peter C. Hodgson. [REVIEW]Michael J. Dodds - 1990 - The Thomist 54 (2):361-365.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:BOOK REVIEWS 861 acter as to demand and thus warrant the sort of special explanation proposed by the theist. Along the way, we are treated to illuminating discussions of many fascinating and controversial issues, such as the need for a priori probability assignments in science and metaphysics. Chapter six offers a novel defense of Pascal's Wager arising out of the Anselmian concept of God endorsed at the beginning of (...)
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  30. Sympathy, Self-Interest, and the Revision of Benthamism: The Development of John Stuart Mill's Moral and Social Philosophy, 1826-1840.Michele Green - 1988 - Dissertation, York University (Canada)
    After his mental crisis in 1826 J. S. Mill set out to revise Benthamite Utilitarianism. The nature of that revision and its relation to Mill's mature philosophy is central to Mill scholarship. This study suggests that in order to understand the development of Mill's thought it is necessary to understand the central role he assigned to sympathy. ;Benthamism, to Mill, was based upon the assumptions that mankind was predominately motivated by self-interest, and that the greatest happiness of the greatest number (...)
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    Kearney sparks interest.Simon Sparks - 2004 - The Philosophers' Magazine 25:61-61.
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  32. Ethical investment: Whose ethics, which investment?Russell Sparkes - 2001 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 10 (3):194–205.
    Ethical or socially responsible investment is one of the most rapidly growing areas of finance. New government regulations mean that all pension funds are obliged to take such considerations into account. However, this phenomenon has received little critical attention from business ethicists, and a clear conceptual framework is lacking. This paper, by a practitioner in the field, attempts to fill this analytical gap. It considers what difference, if any, lies between the terms ‘ethical’, ‘green’, or ‘socially responsible’. It also tackles (...)
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    Images of Zeus.B. A. Sparkes - 1992 - The Classical Review 42 (01):148-.
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    Visibility Sometimes Wandering and Sometimes Reassembled.Judy Spark - 2017 - Environmental Philosophy 14 (2):239-254.
    If we attend to things only in terms of their bearing on our own projects then our experience of them will be filtered through their compatibility or incompatibility with those aims. This essay is about the experience of rain in the northern latitudes and the work is built around a phenomenological description that relies on accounts of direct experience which are then considered through Maurice Merleau-Ponty’s conception of flesh. In thinking through the phenomenon in this way, the overlapping nature of (...)
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    Attending Children: A Doctor's Education.Richard Sparks - 2006 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 26 (2):233-235.
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  36. Ejectment: Three Births and a Funeral.Peter Sparkes - 2015 - In William Twining & Maksymilian Del Mar, Legal Fictions in Theory and Practice. Cham: Springer Verlag.
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    Some important philosophical terminology.A. W. Sparkes - 1978 - Valentine, N.S.W.: Podargus Press.
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  38. The place of the environment in state of nature discourses : reassessing nature, property and sovereignty in the Anthropocene.Tom Sparks - 2022 - In Mark Somos & Anne Peters, The state of nature: histories of an idea. Boston: Brill Nijhoff.
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    Pictures of you: Dot stimuli cause motor contagion in presence of a still human form.S. Sparks, M. Sidari, M. Lyons & A. Kritikos - 2016 - Consciousness and Cognition 45:135-145.
  40. Ethical Judgments in Business Ethics Research: Definition, and Research Agenda.John R. Sparks & Yue Pan - 2010 - Journal of Business Ethics 91 (3):405-418.
    Decades of empirical and theoretical research has produced an extensive literature on the ethical judgments construct. Given its importance to understanding people’s ethical choices, future research should explore the psychological processes that produce ethical judgments. In this paper, the authors discuss two steps needed to advance this effort. First, they note that the business ethics literature lacks a single, generally accepted definition of ethical judgments. After reviewing several extant definitions, the authors offer a definition of the construct and discuss its (...)
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    Study guide to jurisprudence.Richard F. Sparks - 1967 - London,: Sweet & Maxwell.
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    The Return of the Manichees.Russell Sparkes - 2000 - The Chesterton Review 26 (3):421-422.
  43. Can’t Buy Me Love.Jacob Sparks - 2017 - Journal of Philosophical Research 42:341-352.
    Critics of commodification often claim that the buying and selling of some good communicates disrespect or some other inappropriate attitude. Such semiotic critiques have been leveled against markets in sex, pornography, kidneys, surrogacy, blood, and many other things. Brennan and Jaworski (2015a) have recently argued that all such objections fail. They claim that the meaning of a market transaction is a highly contingent, socially constructed fact. If allowing a market for one of these goods can improve the supply, access or (...)
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    Talking Politics: A Wordbook.A. W. Sparkes - 1994 - Routledge.
    Talking Politics is a philosophical examination of some of the basic concepts of political discourse. Its primary focus is on the ordinary ; on what is said by politicians, in newspapers and by people in pubs, rather than on the works of political theorists. This is a work of , but not on political theory. Talking Politics is: * Invaluable as a source of reference for students, and contains a detailed index * Arranged thematically, around topics such as `Nation'. Each (...)
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  45. The maturing of socially responsible investment: A review of the developing link with corporate social responsibility. [REVIEW]Russell Sparkes & Christopher J. Cowton - 2004 - Journal of Business Ethics 52 (1):45-57.
    This paper reviews the development of socially responsible investment (SRI) over recent years and highlights the prospects for an increasingly strong connection with the practice of corporate social responsibility. The paper argues that not only has SRI grown significantly, it has also matured. In particular, it has become an investment philosophy adopted by a growing proportion of large investment institutions. This shift in SRI from margin to mainstream and the position in which institutional investors find themselves is leading to a (...)
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    What is optimized in an optimal path?Fraser T. Sparks, Kally C. O'Reilly & John L. Kubie - 2013 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 36 (5):566 - 566.
    An animal confronts numerous challenges when constructing an optimal navigational route. Spatial representations used for path optimization are likely constrained by critical environmental factors that dictate which neural systems control navigation. Multiple coding schemes depend upon their ecological relevance for a particular species, particularly when dealing with the third, or vertical, dimension of space.
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  47. Dissident Citizenship: Democratic Theory, Political Courage, and Activist Women.Holloway Sparks - 1997 - Hypatia 12 (4):74-110.
    In this essay, I argue that contemporary democratic theory gives insufficient attention to the important contributions dissenting citizens make to democratic life. Guided by the dissident practices of activist women, I develop a more expansive conception of citizenship that recognizes dissent and an ethic of political courage as vital elements of democratic participation. I illustrate how this perspective on citizenship recasts and reclaims women's courageous dissidence by reconsidering the well-known story of Rosa Parks.
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  48. To Treat or Not to Treat.Richard C. Sparks - forthcoming - Bioethics and the Handi.
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  49. Is, Ought, and the Regress Argument.Jacob Sparks - 2019 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 97 (3):528-543.
    Many take the claim that you cannot ‘get’ an ‘ought’ from an ‘is’ to imply that non- moral beliefs are by themselves incapable of justifying moral beliefs. I argue that this is a mistake and that the position that moral beliefs are justified exclusively by non-moral beliefs—a view that I call moral inferentialism—presents an attractive non-sceptical moral epistemology.
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  50. Singular thought: acquaintance, semantic instrumentalism, and cognitivism.Robin Jeshion - 2010 - In New Essays on Singular Thought. Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press. pp. 105--141.
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